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What is teaching aid ?

A material used by a teacher to supplement classroom instruction or to stimulate the interest of students can be termed as teaching aid. Teaching aids can be classified as still model, working model, instrument, object, etc.  It should be an excellent, innovative, attractive, portable and effective one. Preferably consider as a single piece or a set of items. It should be suitable for classroom activities.  Useful for assimilation of concept, construction of knowledge, acquisition of values, skills and attitudes related to the topic.

Helpful to create feel of learning experiences among students. Useful to achieve a learning objective. It should consider whole students of the class such as gifted, above average, average, below average as well as deferentially able. It could create curiosity among children and helpful to engage students. It should be child centered, activity oriented and inclusive. According to NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programme) theory, there are three type people audio dependent, visually dependent and feel of experience required. A teacher should consider all these fellows when prepare teaching aid and deliver the class. It can be use for entry activity, learning activity, evaluation and repeated learning.